دانلود پایان نامه و مقاله | قسمت 16 – 5
- ۲٫Graesser et al ↑
- ۱٫Scherer ↑
- ۱٫Cotner, Fall, Wick, Walker, & Baepler ↑
- ۲٫Liu, Liang, Wang, Chan, & Wei ↑
- ۳٫Draper & Brown ↑
- ۴٫Liu et al ↑
- ۵٫Sims ↑
- ۶٫Haseman ↑
- ۱٫Crouch & Mazur ↑
- ۲٫Michaelson, Knight, & Fink ↑
- ۳٫Caldwell ↑
- ۱٫Shanoski & Hranitz ↑
- ۱٫Boud et al; Jawitz and Case؛Astin ↑
- ۲٫Peer Learning ↑
- ۳٫Problem-Based Learning(Pbl) ↑
- ۴٫Stone and Jacobs ↑
- ۵٫Colvin, Magin and Churches ↑
- ۶٫Social Interdependence Theory ↑
- ۱٫Wadoodi, Crosby ↑
- ۲٫Kenyon, Peckover ↑
- ۳٫Problem Based Learning ↑
- ۴٫Puzzle Based learning ↑
- ۵٫Michalewicz, Falkner ↑
- ۶٫Small Group Teaching ↑
- ۷٫Team Based Learning ↑
- ۸٫Peer Assisted Learning ↑
- ۹٫Perry ↑
- ۱۰٫Peets ↑
- ۱٫Trottier ↑
- ۲٫Orsmond, Merry, Reiling ↑
- ۳٫Elliott, Higgins ↑
- ۴٫Dandavino, Snell, Wiseman ↑
- ۵٫Elliott, Higgins ↑
- ۶٫Parr ↑
- ۷٫Peer feedback ↑
- ۱٫Sluijsmans, Brand & Merriënboer ↑
- ۱٫Socialization ↑
- ۲٫Acculturation ↑
- ۳٫Family Socioeconomic Status ↑
- ۴٫Bransford ↑
- ۵٫Gagne ↑
- ۶٫Wittrock ↑
- ۱٫Roblyer&Wiencke ↑
- ۲٫Concept Maps ↑
- ۳٫Pathfinder ↑
- ۱٫Cooke & Schvaneveldt ↑
- ۲٫Davis, Curtis, & Tschetter ↑
- ۳٫Goldsmith, Johnson, & Acton ↑
- ۴٫Gomez, Hadfield, & Housner ↑
- ۵٫E-Learning ↑
- ۱٫Learning Traits ↑
- ۲٫Traits of a Curriculum ↑
- ۳٫Computer Mediated Communication ↑
- ۴٫Constructivism Learning ↑
- ۵٫Individualized Learning ↑
- ۶٫Bures, Abrami, & Amundsen ↑
- ۷٫Guzley, Avanzino, & Bor ↑
- ۸٫Zagorsky ↑
- ۹٫Computer Conferencing ↑
- ۱٫Herzig ↑
- ۲٫International Telecommunication Union ↑
- ۳٫Wang, Liang, Chan, & Yang ↑
- ۴٫Dvorak & Burchanan ↑
- ۵٫Trifonova ↑
- ۱٫SMS ↑
- ۲٫Garner, Francis, & Wales ↑
- ۳٫Divitini, Hargalokken, & Norevid ↑
- ۱٫Kimble ↑
- ۱٫Approaches To Learning ↑
- ۲٫Deep Learning ↑
- ۳٫Surface Learning ↑
- ۴٫Entwistle ↑
- ۵٫Marton And Säljö ↑
- ۶٫Vermunt And Vermetten ↑
- ۷٫Cognitive Processing ↑
- ۱٫Metacognitive Regulation Strategies ↑
- ۲٫Strategies Conceptions Of Learning ↑
- ۳٫Learning Orientations ↑
- ۴٫Meaning Directed Learning ↑
- ۵٫Reproduction Directed Learning ↑
- ۶٫Application Directed Learning ↑
- ۷٫Undirected Learning ↑
- ۱٫Fenstermacher & Richardson ↑
- ۱٫Socialization ↑
- ۲٫Blum and Gvirsman, ↑
- ۱٫Fawcett and Garton ↑
- ۲٫Nicolopoulou and Richner ↑
- ۳٫Zone Of Proximal Development ↑
- ۱٫Legitimate Peripheral Participation ↑
- ۲٫Resnick et al ↑
- ۳٫Peer learning ↑
- ۴٫Cooperative Learning ↑
- ۵٫Peer-Assisted Learning ↑
- ۶٫Peer Tutoring ↑
- ۱٫The Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning ↑
- ۱٫Ming Chen &Hsin Wu ↑
- ۲٫Picture in picture ↑
- ۳٫Lecture capture ↑
- ۴٫Voice over ↑
- ۱٫Pintrich ↑
- ۲٫Stefanou and Glennon ↑
- ۳٫Valle et al ↑
- ۴٫Czubaj ↑
- ۵٫Moneta ↑
- ۶٫Pintrich & Schunk ↑
- ۱٫Ames ↑
- ۲٫Peer Coaching ↑
- ۳٫Learning Community ↑
- ۴٫Geisler, Brenstein Et Al ↑
- ۵٫Meaning Directed Learning ↑
- ۶٫Intellectual Openness ↑
- ۷٫Reproduction Directed Learning ↑
- ۸٫Conscientiousness ↑
- ۹٫Agreeableness ↑
- ۱٫Statistical Population ↑
- ۱٫Statistical Sample ↑